(a) I am spending more money on this 3-night, post-Cannes program hotel stay than I ever have on a hotel visit in my life. Granted, in my past hotel-booking experience it has often been with the mindset of: "Can I cram fourteen of my other friends into this standard 'double' room conspicuously enough after a night of one too many games of beer pong or bar shots in (fill-in-the-blank) college town?" In those such cases the rate usually ends up being no more than $10/person, so my Parisian booking this time around is certainly a shock to my poor credit card's system.
(b) The hotel was chosen from a long list of potential venues after some meticulous Google-searching on my part. I reviewed the list thoroughly and repeatedly, considering factors such as location and decor with price being very low on the list of considerations because, 'Hey, when in Rome (er, Paris), right?' Besides, by the time this Parisian getaway takes place I will have been housed in the south of France on UGA's dime for more than a month...so to justify my frivolity once more, I guess I just feel like I can finally 'splurge' a little.
The hotel is called HOTEL A LA VILLA DES ARTISTES. The aspect I liked most about this hotel is the uniqueness of each "Arty" room as shown in the website's pictures and descriptions:
" The “Arty” Rooms have been entirely renovated and dedicated to
the modern arts. Each room has its own special atmosphere of different
artistic periods such as Fauvism, Cubism or Surrealism. "

The location of this place is also ideal because it is situated just south of the gorgeous Luxembourg Gardens directly adjacent to the iconic Latin Quarter, the arrondissement in which I spent most of my time during my 4-month period of studying at the Sorbonne back in college. Four years have passed since my semester-long stint in Paris and I cannot WAIT to get back to my old stomping grounds. Paris is, after all, my absolute favorite city in the world.
It was also my first love. No really. I fell in love with that city when I lived there. Returning to school in Athens, GA after my time abroad in Paris if ever I saw photos of the city on tv or in books my heart and stomach would drop as if I was seeing an ex-boyfriend with a new girl. Call me creepy or weird, but Paris has this lasting affect on people - it certainly has with me. Ha - sidenote - a actually read not too long ago about a woman "legally" (in the loosest sense of the word, I'm sure) married the Eiffel Tower, changing her last name to 'Eiffel' and all. I wouldn't take my obsession with the city that far, but apparently this woman did. Anyway, that's neither here nor there...
Now that I have this glorious place booked I am left with the task of trying to figure out who I can show Dan, a European newbie, all that Paris has to offer in a mere three days. I'm up for the challenge...
Ok I love your comment about Paris being your first love. "after my time abroad in Paris ifever I saw photos of the city on tv or in books my heart and stomach would drop as if i was seeing an exboyfriend with a new girl." Spot on!! ....kaitlin