After dinner the plan was to head back to the residence and have a glass of wine in my room before heading out on the town for a rare night out. All week Dan had encouraged me to talk up his birthday with the students to see if anyone wanted to go out and celebrate....but I just kept telling him how they all had papers due the following day and I doubted many people would be able to make it out.

Arriving back to my room I turned the key to the door and Dan walked in to flick on the lights. Right on cue he was met with a huge "SURPRISE!" from a roomful of students dressed in all white. Yes, folks. I am the first person in Dan's 32-year history to have ever successfully thrown him a surprise party -- and a surprise WHITE party, at that (I'm patting myself on the back as I type).
The white party under black lights. We took the party out to Juan-Les-Pins super-Euro, Club M. There was dancing aplenty as we celebrated Danny's birthday in style.
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