One of the students from the Cannes Film program left his big suitcase and hanging clothes bag along with some souvenirs in my room for the past couple of weeks while he traveled around after the study abroad dates for our first program had concluded. He would swing back through after his travels to grab his things before flying back to the US of A through Nice.
He arrived today while I was up in class with our Cannes Lions students, but I gave him my key to settle in as he had just come off of a 16-hour train ride sans sleep. After I was out of class with our new students I grabbed him to grab a quick bite to eat before I was off to Nice for the afternoon to take our Lions students on a tour of the newspaper office of the publication, The Riviera Times.
When I finally returned back to my room around 9:30pm Sam, the Film Fest student, had already taken the last bus out of Juan-Les-Pins en route to the Nice Airport. I had already said my goodbyes to him earlier in the afternoon knowing I would probably get back from the Lions excursion too late to see him off, so I was shocked to be greeted by the below note that was left on my kitchen table:
(A) Does this count as a 'Letter of Recommendation' and would it be inappropriate for me to laminate and bring this on all as-yet-unscheduled-but-still-imminent job interviews? And (B) man it feels good to be appreciated for a job that I love and feel deeply connected to. It is difficult for me to work without passion and my role with these programs is something I whole-heartedly throw myself into year after year without hesitation. Receiving feedback like this is absolutely a gift.
Thank you, Sam. You made my day.
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