Beaver is my name, YOLO is my game. You Only Live Once!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Kiddos, Meet Master Burger.

The students wanted some lunch and asked for a cheap, good place to go. I knew JUST what they needed. Everyone, meet Master Burger --- the best, cheapest paninis in town. Where else can you get multiple hamburger patties, cheese and fries wrapped all in to one tasty baguette (conveniently called, 'The American'...go figure). The guy who runs it gives random discounts to random customers at random times, slicing euros off the price left and right. A couple of the students were lucky enough to be given free waters and free fries for having to wait a whole 2 minutes for their paninis. This guy is great.

(The lady operating the Wall Street sandwich shop was none too pleased to see Master Burger get 100euros worth of business in about 5min from all our students. All I have to say is, where your discounts be, girrrrl?)

I think the students will be frequenters of the Master Burger. :)

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