I made it into Cannes hours after many of our unstoppable students had already gotten 3-4 film screenings under their belts. This is a whole new breed of participants, these students. Their excitement is palpable, but their humility remains intact throughout. They are wonderful.
Once I got off the train in sunny Cannes I stopped into 8 or 9 hotels, unfortunately, not making it past many of their lobbies. They were either too small to accommodate a group of our size OR they were already booked the entire 12 days of the Festival. I have a couple of strong leads with which I'll need to follow up in the coming days. Both places have rooftop solariums that could seat 30 of us plus a speaker comfortably. Send good vibes my way in hopes that I can nail one of these places down - hopefully for the price of "gratuit" (though unlikely).
After my hotel search I popped in to my fave shoe store, André, to see what they had in stock for oh ten. I gave them lots and lots of Euros last year - which included the purchase of my FAVORITE tan, leather, peep-toe, wedges with the wooden heel --- one of which is currently lost in G'boro, North Cakalaki from the weekend before I left. Long, sad story, but I guess that's what a high school reunion of sorts can do to a person (or rather, a shoe). Blame it on the a-a-a-a-a-al-co-hol. Oh well. And no such luck finding a replacement pair at Andre this year. I guess they are "so last season" already. Bummer.

*One fun note about my visit to André (Dan, pay attention here) - when I walked in the store I was met with the familiar sounds of Vampire Weekend's latest song playing through the speakers. Ah, what a refreshing reminder of home.
I left the shoe mecca empty-handed (thank goodness for my bank account's sake) and made my way through the criss-crossed streets up to the Croisette, the main drag of Cannes. I rendez-vous'd with Sophie and Lily at the American Pavilion to pick up my Festival-long pass to the Am Pav (another unprecedented coup for this year's program participants). I was handed my Am Pav badge and two free drink tickets, so we wandered through the crowd of familiar accents and grabbed a table on the sunny patio.
Many of our students were there readying themselves to head out to the streets and beg for tickets.
Notice the difference between the girls' signs (above) and the boys' signs (below). Just an interesting gender study. Ha.
The boys went to change into their tuxes, and Lily and Sophie into their dresses, so I was left to sit on the patio by my lonesome sipping a (FREE) Stella and planning out which screenings/speakers I want to see.
After a bit more time lounging and scheduling out my next few days - I gathered my things and trekked back out into the winding streets in search of a daggum hotel/meeting space for our group. On my way to some familiar establishments I passed faces I knew on just about every corner. Students were holding up signs EVERYWHERE - and looking good doing it!
After I searched for more hotel meeting locations I attempted to make my way over to the doors in front of the Palais to meet up with Sophie and Lily, who had failed to land a ticket to the "Robin Des Bois" (aka- 'Robin Hood') premiere. However, I only made it so far before I was corralled in with the masses on the grasses due to the barricades EVERYWHERE. I felt like a bull being wrangled through the grid of rodeo barricades - I was trapped - and a cowboy was about to mount me. Wait, what? No. But I WAS trapped in the crowds...with a FANTASTIC view of the red carpet.
[insert Kate Bekinsale glamour shot here]
Can you say, 'movie star'? People around me literally gasped when she started walking up the stairs with her dress draping dramatically behind her.
*Insider note: One of our more fashion-conscious students, Katie Kellogg, informed me later that she and Kate Bekinsale were wearing the SAME designer, Marchesa, during that first premiere night. That, to me, is impressive - considering most of my clothing can be found at your local Urban Outfitters or Target.
[insert picture of entire jury]
I call this "Blurry Jury."
Next I saw the curvaceous Salma Hayek. Even from 200 yards away I felt like Roger Rabbit staring at Jessica Rabbit - I mean, bodies like hers do not exist elsewhere in the world. She looked amazing. Unfortunately, you'll never know b/c I didn't get a good enough picture to share it on here. Guess you'll have to just catch it on "The Today Show."
[insert picture of Russell Crowe giving a peace sign and Kate Blanchett looking so effortlessly beautiful it would make you sick]
...whenever the internet will upload one photo quicker than 3omin then I will post the aforementioned picutres - but for now you can just fantasize.
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