Once we bought out Master Burger's supply of all things delicious we walked across the street to the big JLP park to sit alongside the wall and eat our paninis, fries, and Coca Lights (aka- Diet Cokes). As we ate, one of our more hilarious students, Eric Jones, took it upon himself to judge every French local who walked by and make hysterical commentary about them aloud for all of us to enjoy. He is a walking one-man-show, that Eric. People have started keeping journals on hand just to write down the amazing one-liners that he comes up with. You can read these on twitter by searching #ericincannes.
It is such a boy's club though. I'm determined to break into their little bocce boy circle and become the first female/American champ of JLP. Watch me. I'll do it.
These old men are going DOWN.
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