Couldn’t fall asleep 'til 3 last night even though I thought I was tired. Thanks, body, for more mixed messages. Sheesh.
Finally fell asleep after 3, but was awoken at 6 to what I thought was the Gestapo pounding angrily on my apartment door. Turns out the Gestapo were not at my door (or, really, anywhere in the last 60 years) – but nonetheless, I shoot out of bed like a mistress being caught by Elin. Once awake the loud noises fail to cease. I decide that Juan-Les-Pins is being invaded by a noisy fleet of tanks. Wrong again. Turns out 6am on Thursday morning is when France decided it was best to bring out several humongo trucks to clean – nay, POWER wash – the streets of this itty bitty beach town….for an HOUR AND A HALF. (*Namita later told me it was probably some sort of a strike. Ah, the French.)
Note to self: Buy ear plugs today at Casino (the grocery store around the corner).
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