After the last of the students arrived with horrific tales of flight cancellations, rerouting, machines eating debit cards, and getting caught in the rain with all luggage in tow --- I was done with day one of the check-in process. It was 11pm when the last couple soaking wet participants came through the lobby doors - and they (and I) were hungry. Our options for food were limited since it was so late, but I didn't want to let the weary travelers down --- so who do I turn to? The sweet owner of the pizza place across the street who made me such a special 'to go' salad a few nights prior.
The restaurant lights of "La Grappa" (his place) were still on across the street, so I walked over and asked what time he closed. I'm pretty sure he would've closed the doors right then, but I told him there were three others plus myself who would come in for pizzas. He immediately obliged, started fanning the flame of his wood fire oven, and set up a table to serve us.
What started out as a late-night, quick bite to eat before bed.....turned into 4 HOURS of eating, drinking, laughing, and having extensive numerology readings (courtesy of the restaurant owner, Jean-Francois', good friend - Michelle, pronounced "mee-shell"). By the time 2:30am rolled around Jean-Francois was pulling out the Limoncello and shot glasses for all of us - obviously not wanting the night to end. We had a ball - found out extensive and eerily accurate things about all of our current lives according to "our numbers" (day, month, year we were born + beaucoups of numerology calculations indicating the current status of our lives).
Finally, at 3:30am we called it a night - but not before Jean-Francois starting writing out a calendar on the tablecloth trying to determine a date when the four of us could come back again for another exclusive "soiree". Next time, he said he would have Michelle bring her tarot cards - so you know that will be a fun night! :)
Here are some pictures from our unexpectedly late, yet fun evening...
Here's Anna Ferguson getting her numerology reading from Michelle. Michelle is literally saying how she has never seen numbers so good in her life. Anna's numbers for this year (the year that she is in Cannes, getting married, and writing her thesis) were comprised for three number 7's AND three 21's (aka- 7 xthree) - which is AMAZINGLY lucky. Anna is shown here in a bit of shock as well as a bit of relief considering that this is such a big year for her.
Here I am getting MY numbers read. Considering I am so in tune with everything Aries (even down to the stupid daily horoscopes in the paper) this was, of course, EERILY accurate for me. I'll be honest, it made me cry a little. It truly is ALL in the stars for me - and, in this case - all in the numbers. This stuff does not lie (for me, at least).
And here's Cody getting his numbers read -- and let me just tell you Michelle was ENAMORED with him (as you can see in this picture). She just kept on mumbling repeatedly the whole night (in French), "Oh, your path (in life)! Oh, your path..." I guess that was a good thing.
P.S. During this ENTIRE 4+ hour experience I had to translate E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G the whole time as the students speak no French and Jean-Francois and Michelle speak no English.
After the EIGHTH, yes EIGHT, try of me trying to get all six of us in the picture with my camera set on the counter I gave up and just took a pic of the five other folks --- Josh, Cody, Michelle, Jean-Francois, and Anna.
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