Beaver is my name, YOLO is my game. You Only Live Once!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

O.K., Let's try this again

Today, Day 2.

Slept in (as in I slept from midnight to 11:30am), woke up, and tried to shake my shakiness from the day before. Still a bit uneasy, but managed to force down a croissant. I repeat – FORCE down a croissant. It was hot, freshly baked, and I had to FORCE it down. Didn’t taste it either. Hmm...considering this is what my mouth has been watering for all Spring leading up to this, I immediately know that I am still not quite up to par. I mean, BODY, get with the program! We’re in freaking FRANCE for crepe’s sake.

Anyway – I go with my body’s unwillingness to participate and say to myself, ‘go back to bed, young lady.’ So I did. Until 4:30 that evening.

I woke up to my beeping travel alarm alerting me to get my derrière into gear – as I had a scheduled time to meet our on-the-ground France correspondent, Namita, who helps out with the program with logistics and such throughout the year. I had to meet her at 5:42pm in the next town over, Antibes. Thankfully it is only one stop away via train – a total of 2 minutes on the tracks.

Seeing Namita get off the train brought a much-needed smile to my face. She gave me a suitcase full of things I need to set up my “personal office” back in my room (printer, cords, CD’s, about a thousand cell phones, etc). We sat in the Antibes train station for 10min before she had to continue on her way to Nice. After an express espresso with her and the suitcase now in tow – I hopped the train back one stop to my quaint little stomping grounds in Juan Les Pins.

Et voila! Here I am on my laptop --- answering emails and taking names…

Saw this at the Antibes train station. Good ol' Steve Carrell and Tina Fey. What if I just stuck it to the Cannes Film Fest and went to see this movie in one of the local theatres instead of one of the flashy red carpet premieres one night? Not cool? No? Alright.

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